'BAREFOOT - EUROPEAN SHOE FAIR' celebrates its premiere in Offenbach

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 13:35English
'BAREFOOT - EUROPEAN SHOE FAIR' celebrates its premiere in Offenbach 1st barefoot shoe fair in Europe takes place from 31 July to 3 August 2025 Are you already part of the barefoot shoe movement? What do you know about the hype? How will the trend develop in the future? 'It's high time to take a closer look at this important shoe segment. And to offer the growing barefoot shoe community its own platform,' says Arnd Hinrich Kappe, Managing Director of Messe Offenbach, with conviction. No sooner said than done. Messe Offenbach is accompanying the industry in its steps towards a healthy shoe future. With the new 'BAREFOOT- EUROPEAN SHOE FAIR', which is precisely tailored to the target group.

El CTCR avanza en el desarrollo de suelas y tacones de calzado con un nuevo material para impresión 3D basado en residuos de piel curtida

Tuesday, November 19, 2024 - 15:20Spanish
El proyecto ECOFAP contribuye a resolver el problema del reciclado de recortes de piel en la confección de calzado, que normalmente se envían a vertedero. Se estima que los residuos generados a nivel nacional, únicamente de recortes de piel en fábricas de calzado, ascienden a 3.500 toneladas por año. Aunque existen diversas técnicas de reciclado, su aplicación en residuos complejos, como son los del calzado, no es sencilla por diferentes motivos, entre ellos, la presencia de sustancias como adhesivos o tintas. Esto hace que estos residuos no puedan ser reciclados o, si lo son, que el material reciclado resultante sea de baja calidad.

European and Mercosur business associations ask swift conclusion of EU-Mercosur FTA

Tuesday, November 19, 2024 - 14:12English
In a joint call from both sides of the Atlantic, 78 business associations representing a diverse array of industries from the EU and Mercosur ask their governments to expedite the conclusion of the EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations. The statement underscores the strategic importance of reinforcing trade links, fostering investments and promoting sustainable development, which this historic agreement is built to deliver.